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jim crow 〔j- c-〕 【機械工程】彎軌機。


Charles wilson of the university of mississippi argues that religion helped the transition away from jim crow , “ because it is a language shared by black and white , and because it gives whites a sense of security and continuity amid wrenching change 不僅因為最具說服力的民權改革者是傳教士,諸如馬丁.路德.金.密西西比大學的查爾斯.威爾遜也認為宗教有助于遠離種族主義的過渡進程, “因為宗教是黑人和白人可以一同分享的語言,同時它給予白人一種安全感和在痛苦轉變中的信仰連續性。 ”

“ jim crow “ cars : we protest against the “ jim crow “ car , since its effect is and must be to make us pay first - class fare for third - class accommodations , render us open to insults and discomfort and to crucify wantonly our manhood , womanhood and self - respect “黑人專用”車輛:我們反對“黑人專用”車輛,因為其作用是而且必定是要我們為三等的設備付頭等的費用,叫我們在光天化日之下遭受侮辱,使我們惶惶不安,讓人隨心所欲地摧殘我們的男人、女人的尊嚴與自尊。

Particularly contemptible was the jim crow attitude of the southern white churches , which evidently looked forward to a “ lily white ” heaven 特別可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔離黑人的態度,這些白人教堂顯然希望進入一個“純白”的天堂。

To me , with my vast ignorance , my jim crow station in life , it seemed a task impossible of achievement 對于我,帶著巨大的無知,以及所處的受歧視的處境,它顯得是一個不可能實現的任務。

I ' m an entertainer . and - - and we all gotta play jim crow down here 我只是個演員,還有…我們應該來這兒為黑人表演

I ' m an entertainer . and - and we all gotta play jim crow down here 我只是個演員,還有我們應該來這兒為黑人表演

I ' m not playing any more to jim crow joints ever again , did you got that 我不能再去為黑人演出了,你知道嗎?

You know why that is ? because that son of a bitch jim crow . . 你知道為什么嗎?因為那個狗娘養的吉姆?克勞

You know why that is ? because that son of a bitch jim crow 你知道為什么嗎?因為那個狗娘養的吉姆克勞

I ' m never playing to jim crow again . ever 我不再為黑人演出了,再也不了